Sliding Scale

Why a sliding scale and how do I figure out where I fit?

The very basics:

A sliding scale makes it possible for folks with fewer resources to still access services. This is, in essence, subsidized by those with more who can pay extra. If this makes you uncomfortable, that's ok. Maybe that's something we could explore together.

Here's a quick version:

  • If you're getting by ok but still paying attention to your bills and don't really have extra if something big comes up, pay the base price.
  • If you are pretty comfortable, maybe you're working hard for it but you have money in the bank and are not too worried about a financial emergency, and if you regularly make charitable contributions, pay somewhere in the higher end of the scale.
  • If you are just scraping by and definitely can't handle any unexpected costs, go to the lower end of the scale.

Check your values. If you are someone who believes in helping others and giving back, keep that in mind. Most business owners can only afford to offer a sliding scale on the lower end if some folks also go to the higher end.

Ultimately, you decide. I won't question or challenge you on what you decide you can pay.

Here are a few other sources to explore where you fit on the scale: